6 Evolving Pillars

Who are we?

We are a Software Development & Digital Marketing company based out of Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India. We believe in simplicity and any innovation that enables digital transformation makes us happy.

Our aim is to remove any technical barriers that our users may face while operating varying industry-driven products.

We revolve around high quality, relevant and proactive products tailored to both existing and new market segments. We're obsessively passionate about the Windows, Mac, Android & iOS platforms.

We have been making dramatic improvements to our major products and recently expanded our focus towards the development of new genres and ideas.

As one of the best utility providers in the country, we intend to offer standard of excellence through unmatched user experience.


Optimize your phone, enjoy a secure browsing experience, protect your kids from the online world and do a lot more with our unique products and applications.

Android & iOS

Tarot Life

Uncover the hidden meaning of the Tarot cards and how they affect your life, with your personal Tarot Guide, round the clock.

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Delete duplicate photos & videos and merge similar contacts in one click with this powerful tool!

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Wait, there’s more! Explore our collection of world-class software products on diverse platforms.

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